Promoting companies in our regions
Océalliance Group is rooted in the regional history of each of our companies. In our hearts we know that while our group is a national leader, our roots remain in those regions.
Our companies are located close to fishing ports, where the beating heart of the sector can be found as well as the local hub of regional life. Thanks to that, we are building strong, lasting relationships with local socio-economic players who we strive to support daily in their growth and projects.
For the past few years, we have been building a strong relationship with Société Nationale des Sauveteurs en Mer (SNSM), particularly its Guilvinec Léchiagat station with which we regularly work. In addition to providing financial support to this volunteer association, whose primary mission is to rescue people in danger at sea and on the coastline free of charge, we also help them implement initiatives to raise funds and boost the association’s profile.
Our teams have contributed in various ways including:
• Producing and selling a calendar with SNSM receiving all the money raised
• Organising charity fish auctions with SNSM receiving all the money raised
• Running marketing campaigns
Our desire to promote this iconic ocean rescue association is the reason behind why we also sponsor Kornog II, the boat racing the Route du Rhum to support SNSM.

Océalliance sponsoring Kornog II
Océalliance is taking part in a unique project to support Gilles Colubi, an experience skipper, in the adventure of a lifetime: a solo yacht race aboard the Kornog II, a 12.5-metre Pogo bearing number 29 – the symbol of the Bigouden region so dear to his heart. This yacht race enthusiast wanted to live his dream and decided to sign up for the Route du Rhum race open to amateurs, in the Rhum Mono class.
When we first met him, we were moved by Gilles’ powerful personal story of discovering sailing as a teenager while on a family holiday in Brittany. He quickly became passionate about sailing and for 30 years participated in many team races, always as an amateur but surrounded by professionals.
We wanted to help, encourage and support him in this amazing adventure because of our roots in Brittany, which is Océalliance Group’s historic region of operation with our 12 sites employing 350 workers, as well as:
• Firstly, Gilles trains on the seas around Guilvinec, an iconic French fishing port in the heart of the Bigouden region, where the beating heart of the economic activity of Océalliance Group’s Furic Marée lies.
• Secondly, Route du Rhum is an iconic race starting in Saint-Malo, an historic home port for our company Pêcheries Océanes and an iconic town in the maritime sector and ocean racing world.
• And thirdly, shared strong values: our commitment to help regional players, including SNSM which is an association that rescues sailors and recreational boaters at sea and that we have supported for many years in a variety of ways.

Through our companies, we actively participate in local events and celebrations, particularly those promoting the maritime sector and French seafood products. As such:
Océalliance has partnered with the fishing and aquaculture week in Cornouaillewith events and experiences run during the week all around Cornouaille to promote the know-how of everyone operating in the seafood product sector
• Furic Marée offers a number of events during the Pesked festival organised by Haliotika – Cité de la Pêche, including charity auctions for SNSM, presentations on fish and seafood wholesale training and trades, and introductions to fish, shellfish and crustacean species found along our coasts.
• Our sites (Lozach Marée and Bretagne Océan) opened their doors to visitors once again this year to immerse them in our processing units and introduce them to what a fish and seafood wholesaler does and why it is a key link in the sector’s chain.*

As our group’s companies are located in medium-sized towns and municipalities, we also believe in supporting local sports clubs (AS Miniac-Morvan, TGV Guilvinec, Tennis de Table de Penmarch, etc.). Many of our employees are active members of those clubs (players, coaches, club presidents, etc.). These sponsorships also serve to recognise our employees’ extra-professional commitments and passions to which they are fully committed. In fact, the boundary between professional skills and skills used within associations is often blurred and by understanding their passions we can help our employees grow while embracing their know-how.

We are members of the board of directors for sites that showcase the sector, such as Haliotika, la Cité de la Pêche, which features a reconstructed trawler, organises fish market tours, runs cooking classes and kids’ entertainment, and sets up treasure hunts to discover the world of fishing. We are convinced that educating the general public from a young age about the maritime world will enable everyone to better understand the challenges of this complex sector involving numerous professions.