
fish and seafood workers
million turnover
fish markets


Furic sites
Furic Marée is a company located in Guilvinec, France, and processes Brittany’s local species and coastal products.
Le Guilvinec is an iconic French fishing port, the largest artisanal fishing port in France and the third largest French port overall (combining deep-sea, coastal and small-scale fishing). Every day, a large number of visitors come to watch the trawlers land their catch and enjoy the unique atmosphere of this port, which is considered to be the heart of Brittany’s fisheries.
Furic Marée is the largest fish and seafood wholesaler in France, with over 80 species available every day thanks to its multi-skilled (dressing, filleting, packaging and grading) team of professionals and its fully-controlled logistics chain involving in-house logistics and strong partnerships with carriers.
Furic Marée boasts considerable buying power at fish markets, with over 70% of purchases made at Brittany’s markets. Furic Marée also buys imported fish in order to offer a comprehensive range of seafood products every day. Furic Marée has numerous contracts with boats to achieve optimal quality and freshness while securing our supplies and recognising commercial fishers’ work.
Located in the northern Brittany fish markets, which have a strong reputation for high quality, attractive products, particularly in-season scallops.
Plougonvelin et La Turballe
Units that only land catches and send fish to other Furic Marée processing units.
Furic Marée has four
processing units: Erquy,
Bretagne Océan, Viviers
de Locarec and Le Guilvinec.
Each specialises in
et Le Guilvinec.
one type of product.

Bretagne Océan
Located in the heart of the biggest sardine port in France, Bretagne Océan is a dedicated unit with a whole sardine packaging line and mechanical fileting lines, as well as a machine for ready-to-cook sardines.
Le Guilvinec
The biggest seafood processing site in France. It works with the entire range of French coastal fish species and provides dressing, filleting, portioning and packaging services to clients in France and abroad.