

Le Coz Marée has been operating as a fish and seafood wholesaler since 1957 and is based in Concarneau, one of the ten biggest fresh fishing ports in France.

Located in the fishing port of Concarneau, the company has found a perfect balance between traditional and modern techniques.

Some hundred fishing vessels are registered at Concarneau, from 9-metre gillnetters to 80-metre seiner tuna boats and even sardine boats and trawlers. The smallest generally head out for the day while the bigger vessels can spend up to three months at sea.

Our teams work in a new processing unit that was fully refurbished in 2017 and now provides optimal working conditions and ensures quality with its carefully designed flows.

We have a reputation for our expertise in buying from several French fish markets:  Concarneau, Le Guilvinec, Loctudy, Saint-Guénolé, Quiberon, Lorient, Roscoff, Erquy, Saint-Quay-Portrieux and La Turballe.

We take special care to diversify our supplies in order to ensure we can supply our clients throughout the year with a wide range of fish, particularly sardine, megrim, monkfish, white ling and octopus, which is one of our main species. 

Part of our processing unit deals solely with packaging whole sardines. To supply this specific product, we have direct partnerships and daily contact with sardine boats, giving us unique access to this resource. We ensure the freshness of this outstanding product by purchasing fish caught the night before, which is then processed by our units the next morning. This shortens the time between the catch being landed and the fish being packaged and shipped.

Thanks to our buying power, we are able to service major supermarket companies in France and abroad, including in Spain.

Our teams have significant expertise in filleting and use their traditional know-how to guarantee our clients quality.

Furthermore, our port location makes logistics easier so we can serve your needs faster.

Species lighthouses

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Octopus is a cephalopod with no shell. It has a rounded body and big eyes in its head, which forms the largest part of its body. It has eight tentacles with many suckers, the most evolved of any mollusc.


Monkfish have a large, flat head with fine, firm, lean, compressed, bone-free white flesh. It is an iconic species of Brittany’s fisheries.


Sardines are fresh, whole fish from Brittany. They are deemed ‘fatty’ fish and live in dense schools in deep waters, migrating from the ocean to the coast in summer and back out to sea in winter. They are fished by sardine boats at night.

White ling

White ling is a fish with firm white flesh and is most often displayed as long folded fillets. Its slender body is flanked by a dorsal fin in two parts: a short one by the head and a long one extending towards the tail. White ling is a wonderfully digestible fish.

Conger eel

The conger or conger eel has firm, white, flavourful flesh. It pairs well with various recipes.


Skate: Skate can be identified by its flat body with wing-shaped fins and long tail. This fish is gristly like shark.

Blue ling

Blue ling is a species of deep-water fish that continues to be caught and sold. Blue ling is a must-have white fish in fishmongers’ cabinets and is also one of the most consumed in France thanks to its delicate white flesh.

Conger eel

The conger or conger eel has firm, white, flavourful flesh. It pairs well with various recipes.



Haddock, often filleted, is a white-fleshed fish, tender and generous. It is caught in the coastal waters of the Atlantic.


Whiting is a glossy, white whole fish with fine, melt-in-the-mouth flesh. Whiting is caught by coastal trawling, with the short time between being netted and being sold at the fish market making it a very fresh product.