
million turnover

fish and seafood workers

fish markets
Since 1982, Lozac’h Marée has been based in Concarneau, one of the ten biggest fishing ports in France.
Located in the fishing port of Concarneau, the company has found a perfect balance between traditional and modern techniques.
Some hundred fishing vessels are registered at Concarneau, from 9-metre gillnetters to 80-metre seiner tuna boats and even sardine boats and trawlers. The smallest generally head out for the day while the bigger vessels can spend up to three months at sea.
We buy from the Cornouaille ports: Concarneau, Le Guilvinec, Douarnenez, Loctudy, Lorient and Roscoff.
We take special care to diversify our supplies in order to ensure we can supply our clients throughout the year with a wide range of fish, including blue fish, coastal fish species, whiting, haddock, white ling, monkfish, Atlantic pollock, cod and hake.
Part of our processing unit deals solely with sardines (prepared whole or filleted). To supply this specific product, we have direct partnerships and daily contact with sardine boats, giving us unique access to this resource. We ensure the freshness of this outstanding product by purchasing fish caught the night before, which is then processed by our units the next morning.
Using their know-how, our skilled teams select, process and prepare fish to fill our clients’ orders.